Author Archives: Bureau Etudes

Woodpecker signal (Spectral Investigation Collective – Bureau d’études, 2006)

What is Woodpecker ? The term Woodpecker refers to the high-power OTH  radar which operated in Europe during the years 1976  – 1986. The signal from the Chernobyl-2 OTH station  (C-2) is pulse-modulated at a rate of several times a  second [most sources state 10 pulses per second],  sounding like a woodpecker. The radar was observed  using three repetition rates: 10 Hz, 16 Hz and 20 Hz.  The most common rate was 10 Hz, while the 16 Hz  and 20 Hz modes were rather rare. The pulses  transmitted by the woodpecker had a wide  bandwidth, typically 40 kHz.  Also in the 2000s on the HF bands, over-the-horizon  radars from other countries, using other pulse  frequencies, have been audible. The 10-Hz  Woodpecker was, and will be remembered as a unique  phenomenon that generated more interference  reports and speculations than any other radio  emission.  When it first began operations, the transmitter  interfered with several communications channels,  including emergency frequencies for aircraft on  transoceanic flights. Subsequently the operational  practice was modified so that the radar skipped these  critical frequencies as it moved across its operational  spectrum.  When the transmissions were first detected in the  West, some suggested that the Soviets were  developing a new radio system for communicating  with strategic submarines. Others suggested that it  was designed to detect and track low-flying aircraft or  missiles. Far less plausible theories extended to  suggestions the Soviets were trying to modify the  weather; experimenting with radio waves to control  human behavior; or developing a weapon to shoot  down nuclear-tipped missiles.  (source : ABM AND SPACE DEFENSE A. Karpenko  Nevsky Bastion, No. 4, 1999, pp. 2-47 and The Woody  Woodpecker Story by Väinö Lehtoranta)

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Latvian Electromagnetic pollution (Spectral Investigation Collective – Bureau d’études, 2006)

Do you know anything about electromagnetic radiations in Latvia?

The small town of Skrunda, 150 km from Riga in Latvia, was the site of two HEN HOUSE radars built in the 1960s. Construction of the Dnestr-M radar, which was stationed in the trans-polar area (RO-1 in Murmansk) and Latvia (RO-2 in Riga), began in 1963-1964. On 15 February 1971, the RO-2 node was put into operation, the first radar station of the system. This date is considered to be an official beginning of Russian early warning system organization.

Construction of a PECHORA [Daryal]  class large phased array radar at the  so-called “northern center” began in  1984. The 60-meter structure was to  have been one of the most  important Soviet stations for  listening to objects in space. The  Skrunda PECHORA radar building  was destroyed by explosive charges  on 04 May 1995. A similar station  under construction in Baranovichi,  Belarus, will resolve all the  problems caused by the closure of  the Skrunda station.

The Skrunda station created a  strong electromagnetic  radiation zone. During recent  years several studies on impact  of radiation on environment  and humans have been  performed in the territory of  Skrunda Station. At the same  time biological beings were  prohibited from staying for  longer periods of time in a 300  m zone area around locators  during the operation of the  station. In the direction of  radiation any building was  prohibited in an area of 1500 m

Voir le PDF : LatvianEMpollutio

The system – Global laboratory (Bureau d’études, 2005)

Sophisticated weapons and manipulation systems growing out of the cooperation between universities and armies opened the door to new climatic, tectonic, psychotronic, biological and chemical warfare technologies, which we now find listed in the Space Preservation Act (2001); but also to new coercive techniques founded not only on propaganda and repression, on economic aid, development and humanitarian assistance, but also on the chemical and electromagnetic manipulation of the human body. The most terrible of the American biological operations is said to be the massive spread of AIDS through vaccination campaigns in various Central African countries (1976) and in New York (1977), in order to selectively reduce the threat of the “P-bomb,” or overpopulation (Leonard G. Horowitz, La guerre des virus: Sida et Ebola, 1998). The first American military actions on the weather probably date from the 1970s in Vietnam, followed by the gradual installation of a program for climate control and transformation. Today this program is being developed through the interlinkage of weather information systems (COOP-M and NOAA in the US) and local actions of ionospheric heating through electromagnetic bombardment from arrays of antennas located on several places on the planet (HAARP in Alaska, Arecibo in Porto Rico…). The early research into electrical, then electromagnetic, manipulation of human behavior dates from the 1950s (Mkultra, Pandora) and fits squarely into the mainline development of information science (with the exception of Norbert Wiener, the early cyberneticians were all neurophysiologists).

Since the origin of information science and technology, the programming/deprogramming/reprogramming of life has been its implicit objective. One can hardly doubt that this objective is on the verge of being attained today, opening the door to a variety of commercial derivatives. The advancement of systems like GPS, the development of biometrics and genetic identifiers suggests that beyond the control of flows and of all multiple identities, there may today exist capacities for the remote control of things and living beings, and for chemical and electromagnetic interaction with them at a distance. The new version of the Internet protocol, IPv6, will increase the number of addresses – 340 billion billion billion billions – allowing every person to be given an address, but also every object, as the latter are increasingly expected to communicate among each other and with human beings. The computerization of complex societies seems well underway toward the implantation of microchips in human flesh, not only allowing gains in systems security through the surveillance of organic components, but also permitting remote control: “prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions and actions, produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, and both produce and delete an experience set” (Scientific Advisory Committee, U.S. Air Force, 1996).

Having massively invaded all the spheres of society, information science and technology, with its biological and chemical prolongations, now gives rise to a total governmentality. This governmentality does not just contradict the spirit of the Enlightenment by concentrating and augmenting the power of domination exerted by a global aristocracy. It suppresses the very possibility of Enlightenment. The level of bio- and psycho-political management allowed by information science and technology, the level of systemic integration that they make possible, suggest that a political autonomy or constituent power today, of whatever nature, can only become critical by segmenting the infosphere, by developing non-capitalist markets, by setting up revocable hierarchies.

The governmental power exerted over the planet and the species by a caste actively working toward its own immortality is reinforced and multiplied by the integrated technological systems that allow for the analysis of complexity, increasing the capacity for the accumulation of capital, augmenting the capacities of action on information-reality, and even tending toward the administration of future “human resources” via genetic sorting and non-mammalian reproduction.

The world as normed by globalized technological systems and by the strategies of a shadowy planetary government will on the average be more predictable, more certain and better insured than ever in the past, whatever the cultural and functional diversity of that government may be, and whatever the treachery or accidents that may occur (a good example are the American, Russian, German, Israeli and Pakistani secret services, who all knew that something was being prepared for late 2001, or the institutional speculators who were alert enough to sell their stocks in American air carriers shortly before September 11). Thus world government reduces uncertainty, it reduces the capacity to “make history” opened up by a multiplicity of autonomous or sovereign actors.

If what is fundamentally at stake in humanity is making history, and if this capacity is paradoxically reduced by the development of technological systems, then the segmentation of these systems, the limitation of the productive and normative interdependencies, would appear to be the precondition of politics today. Social democracy is entirely contained within the proposition that workers or employees should not destroy their productive instruments, that it is essentially a matter of changing their use or style of management. Social democracy is finished. By reinforcing dependencies, the normalized and normalizing technological systems have destroyed the range of autonomies. They have reinforced the powers of control, standardization and transformation of populations. At stake today is the (re)creation of sovereign autonomies outside planned futures, outside psycho-politics as it is staged in the media on the four corners of the earth, outside salaried labor depending on the worldwide organization of production, on globalized commercial and financial circuits. (Bureau d’études, 2005)

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Geneve électromagnétique ( Bureau d’études, 2005)

Carte produite à l’occasion du Sommet sur les société de l’information à Geneve.

Trois Suisses sur quatre possèdent un téléphone portable. Il y a 8000 pylônes relais GSM ET CANCER DU CERVEAU implanté en Suisse et avec le nouveau système UMTS, on projette d’y en installer 21 000 supplémentaires. Les opérateurs qui se partagent le GSM : Swisscom. Orange (France telecom) et Sunrise (Tele Danmark). (…)Selon les trois opérateurs, 95% de la population est à portée du rayonnement électromagnétique nécessaire au fonctionnement des téléphones cellulaires. Les valeurs d?exposition sont partout les mêmes dans toute l’Europe 60V /m avec 1800MHz, 40V /m avec 900MHz Cela vaut aussi pour la Suisse. En Suisse les valeurs sont limitées pour les personnes qui sont en séjour spécial dans les hôpitaux et les écoles. Ceux-ci s’élèvent à encore 4V/m avec 900MHz et 6V/m avec 1800MHz. Chaque paroi de logement a une absorption de 10% d’électromagnétisme. La France est loin de suffisent pas car l’on constate qu’il y a des troubles du sommeil à partir de 0,04 v / m, des cancers et des stérilités à partir de 0,48 V / m selon une étude du Dr N.Cherry qui se trouve en Nouvelle-Zélande. En Allemagne à de résistances aux antennes de téléphone portable, en Suisse pour le moment nous en dénombrons 300. (source : Hans Ulrich Jacob, association Gigaherz, Flüehli 17, CH-3150 Schwarzenburg,

Voir le PDF : GeneveEM

Gouvernement mondial (Bureau d’études, 2004)

World government is described here as an intellectual complex, which is able to coordinate, accumulate and concentrate the means for defining the norms and determining the development of capitalism. This complex is made up of financial cores, strategic and diplomatic think tanks, scientific and technical research planning offices, political-influence networks, mafias, intelligence-gathering services and legal and accounting consultants. It is premised on the conviction that a government made up of old families and new brainpower is preferable to peoples’ right to choose their own destiny.

Carte pdf- worldGov2004gris, Worldgov2004nb

Texte d’accompagnement- worldgovernment