Do you know anything about electromagnetic radiations in Latvia?
The small town of Skrunda, 150 km from Riga in Latvia, was the site of two HEN HOUSE radars built in the 1960s. Construction of the Dnestr-M radar, which was stationed in the trans-polar area (RO-1 in Murmansk) and Latvia (RO-2 in Riga), began in 1963-1964. On 15 February 1971, the RO-2 node was put into operation, the first radar station of the system. This date is considered to be an official beginning of Russian early warning system organization.
Construction of a PECHORA [Daryal] class large phased array radar at the so-called “northern center” began in 1984. The 60-meter structure was to have been one of the most important Soviet stations for listening to objects in space. The Skrunda PECHORA radar building was destroyed by explosive charges on 04 May 1995. A similar station under construction in Baranovichi, Belarus, will resolve all the problems caused by the closure of the Skrunda station.
The Skrunda station created a strong electromagnetic radiation zone. During recent years several studies on impact of radiation on environment and humans have been performed in the territory of Skrunda Station. At the same time biological beings were prohibited from staying for longer periods of time in a 300 m zone area around locators during the operation of the station. In the direction of radiation any building was prohibited in an area of 1500 m
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It is important to evaluate the health and ecological aspects of the technological installations prior to installation.